02 Feb 2015 - Ballintoy Coast
A few shots uploaded from a day out in Ballintoy!
07 Sep 2008 - NI Airshow
Hi, I have just uploaded images taken at the NI Airshow 2008 to the aviation gallery. There are shots of the famous Red Arrows, RAF Search & Rescue Sea King Helicopter, Wingwalkers and many more. Keep checking back as I'll be uploading more soon!
31 May 2008 - Causeway coast photos
Hi folks, I have uploaded some new images to the landscapes gallery taken last weekend in the amazing sunshine and heat of Northern ireland! These new images include shots from Torr Head, Kinbane Head as well as the well known Giants Causeway.
31 Jan 2008 - New website launched
Hi folks, my new website has finally gone online thanks to many hours hard work by jonnycaldwell.com! The new site contains samples of my work from a variety of different fields such as motorsport, aviation and landscapes. This RSS feed will be used to keep subscribers up-to-date with any site updates or any other news. Hope you enjoy the site and please feel free to contact us.